Page 142 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                       The net income accounts for 738.24 USD.

                                                      4. Environment

               4.1 Property characteristics of the natural environment
                       The terrain is quite flat and 130-160 meters higher than the average sea level.   Regarding

               the climate, there are 3 seasons.   The average lowest and highest temperature are 21°C and 35°C
               respectively.   It does not rain regularly.   The average amount of rainwater is between 1,000-1,400

               millimeters.   The soil has rather poor water drainage and is more than 20 centimeters deep. It is
               grayish brown and has spot with colors.   The soil texture on the top is sandy clay loam.   The soil

               texture at the bottom is silt clay loam. The soil is Thung Kula Ronghai soil series (Ki) influenced

               by salt in the category of Maha Sarakham rock.   The ground water cannot be used.   The water at
               the soil surface is at a medium level. However, due to the water quality, the water can be used for

               agriculture only.   However, water salinity is an important problem in conducting farming.   As a
               result, only certain plants can be planted and low yields are obtained.

               4.2 Impact in the on-site from using the technology

                     1. Economic and social impact

                       Aspect            Impact                Before                       After

                 1. Crop production    Increased at  Products of 100 kilograms   Rice products of 5,000
                                         the most     were obtained from crop    kilograms per round of

                                                      production for 0.16 ha     production are obtained.

                                                      (2.08 ha = 1,300

                                                      kilograms) because the
                                                      soil was very saline

                                                      resulting in low
                                                      production of rice.

                 2. Cultivation        Increased at  Only a small quantity of    When the planting system
                 qualities               the most     the rice product was       is changed to be suitable

                                                                                 with soil conditions,

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