Page 139 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               substance at the most.   Moreover, it was also found that the sandy paddy field with a little salinity

               has an effect on making rice build the aromatic substance.   2AP more.   This kind of rice has good
               cooking qualities which are rising well with cooking of rice.   In other words, the rice becomes

               fluffy rice (flagrant, long, white and soft). Therefore, Hom Mali rice of Tthung Kula Ronghai has
               high prices, demanded by consumer's markets domestically and it is also exported internationally.

               It  was  registered  for  geographical  indication  on  21  April  2006.   The  applicant  requested  for
               registration of 5 provinces situated in the area of Thung Kula Ronghai.

                          3. Technical specifications, implementation activities, inputs, and costs

               3.1 Revenues and expenses in using the technology

                     1. Initial costs and expenses in using the technology

                                                                                          All       (%) of
                             Inputs                  Unit      Quantity  per unit     per inputs  incurred
                                                                                        (USD)       by land

                 Rice                               hectare       13        367.63     4779.74       100.0
                 Equipment, fertilizers and
                 substances killing/ inhibiting
                 growth of living things (Biocide)
                 Water pump                        Machine         1        147.06      147.06       100.0
                 Manure                              Sack         100        1.47       147.06       100.0

                 16-16-8  chemical fertilizer        Sack          2        44.12        88.34       100.0

                 Plant materials and
                 construction materials
                 Rice seed                         Kilograms      100        0.74        58.82       100.0

                 Land rent                             ha         13        36.75       477.94       100.0

                 Tractors + oil costs                Time          4        29.41       117.65       100.0

                 Expenses of vetiver grass             ha          3        367.63     1102.94       100.0
                 propagation plots

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