Page 141 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 141


                 Equipment, plant materials
                 and others
                 Fuels (tractors/ water pump)        Time         12        11.77       141.18       100.0
                 once a month, 10 liters per time
                 (1 year = 2 months)
                 Costs of materials used for          Bag       10,000       0.03       294.12       100.0
                 planting seedlings of  Acacia

                 Water melon variety costs            Can         300        0.06        17.65       100.0

                 Corn variety costs                Kilograms      50         0.24        11.76       100.0
                 Total expenses of maintaining                                          979.41
                 the technology

               3.2 Incomes from selling products and net incomes

                       Before  using  the  technology  Incomes  came  from  doing  rice  farming  only.  However,
               obtained products were very low due to saline soil and water shortage. In the area of 0.16 ha, rice

               products accounting for 100 kilograms were obtained (2.88 ha resulted in products about 1,800

               kilograms). The selling price was 0.15 USD /kilograms. The total income from rice cultivation
               accounted for 264.71USD /year.

                       After using the technology  Incomes comes from more various agricultural  production,


                       Rice products account for 2,500 kg/ha. The most production is 5 tonnes. The selling price
               is 294.12 USD / ton. This gives a total of 1,470.59 USD.

                       The  vetiver  seedling  variety  is  produced  at  the  most  accounting  for  200,000  trees.
               The selling price is 0.0044 USD per tree. This gives a total of 0.88 USD.

                       The Acacia ampliceps seedling variety is produced at the most accounting for 10,000

               trees. The selling price is 0.12 USD per tree. This gives a total of 1.18 USD.
                       Other product from the farm are watermelon, corn etc.

                       The total income is 3,529.41 USD.

               3.3 Summary of expenses and net income

                       The income accounts for a total of 3,529.41 USD.

                       Expenses in conception and maintenance account for a total of 2,791.18 USD.

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