Page 145 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 145


                      Aspect             Impact                Before                     After

                 1. Food security     Improved at  Rice was produced for         Rice is produced for

                 and self-reliance      the most      1,800 kilograms.           5,000 kilograms. The

                                                      The selling price was      selling price is 0.29 USD
                                                      0.15 USD per kilo.         per kilo. Vetiver grass

                                                                                 seedlings and Acacia
                                                                                 ampliceps seedlings are

                                                                                 produced for sales to be

                                                                                 supplementary incomes.
                                                                                 Water melon and corn

                                                                                 are grown to be
                                                                                 consumed in households.

                 2. Community         Strengthened                -              Being a prototype plot

                 institutes            at the most                               for people in the
                                                                                 community to come to

                                                                                 see for study, exchanging
                                                                                 knowledge and experiences,

                                                                                 expressing opinions
                                                                                 together and solving

                                                                                 problems mutually

                                                                                 regarding management of
                                                                                 agricultural areas with

                                                                                 saline soils

                 3. SLM or             Improved       There was not much         The technology is accepted.

                 knowledge of land                    propagation of             There starts to be more

                 degradation                          knowledge.                 propagation of knowledge
                 management                                                      and farmers start to follow

                                                                                 the practice more.

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