Page 144 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 144


                       Aspect            Impact                Before                       After

                                                      kg. In the area of 2.08 ha,  vetiver grass variety

                                                      rice was produced for      seedlings, Acacia

                                                      1,800 kgs bringing about  ampliceps variety
                                                      the income of about        seedlings.

                                                      264.71 USD.                1. Having incomes from
                                                                                 selling rice up to 5 tonnes

                                                                                 with the price of 294.12

                                                                                 USD/ton. The income
                                                                                 accounts for 1,470.59

                                                                                 2. Having incomes from

                                                                                 selling vetiver grass variety

                                                                                 seedlings for 0.0044

                                                                                 The sale volume is 200,000
                                                                                 trees/year bringing about

                                                                                 the income up to 882.35

                                                                                 3. Having more incomes

                                                                                 from selling Acacia
                                                                                 ampliceps variety seedlings

                                                                                 for 0.12USD/tree.
                                                                                 The most sales account for

                                                                                 10,000 trees bringing about

                                                                                 the income up to 1,176

                     2. Social and cultural impact

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