Page 146 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 146


                      Aspect             Impact                Before                     After

                 4. Situations of the     Much        There was no knowledge  Receiving knowledge

                 underprivileged      improvement  of transforming               transfer from the learning

                                                      monoculture farming into  center and being able to
                                                      integrated farming.        implement the

                                                                                 knowledge in one's own
                                                                                 areas together with

                                                                                 asking for advice from

                                                                                 prototype farmers

                     3. Ecology impact

                       Aspect            Impact                Before                    After

                 1. Things covering       Much         There was no grass or    Halophytes such as

                 the soil             improvement  weeds growing.               grass and salt-tolerant
                                                                                plants start to grow.

                 2. Level of soil      Reduced at      The salinity level was   The level of soil and
                 salinity                the most      more than 4 ppt.         water salinity is reduced

                                                                                to 1.5-2.0 ppt until other

                                                                                plants can be grown.

               4.3 Off-site impact from using the technology

                         Aspect             Impact           Before                     After

                 1. Usable water            Greatly             -           Water from areas with saline

                                           increased                        soil can be utilized because
                                                                            vetiver grass and Acacia

                                                                            ampliceps are salt-tolerant
                                                                            plants which can grow in salt

                                                                            water with medium salinity.

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