Page 143 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 143


                       Aspect            Impact                Before                       After

                                                      obtained. The rice did not  products with better

                                                      cover the whole seed.      qualities are obtained.

                 3. Fodder               Greatly      Due to the fact that the   Soil salinity has been
                 production             increased     soil is very saline, there   reduced. As a result,

                                                      were not even grass or     farmers can use areas to
                                                      weeds growing.             conduct farming more


                 4. Products which     Increased at  The monoculture farming  The integrated farming

                 are sources of          the most     conducted was growing      system is operated, namely

                 income has more                      rice.                      rice, vetiver grass,
                 diversities.                                                    watermelon, corn and

                                                                                 Acacia ampliceps.

                 5. Variety of         Increased at  Rice was grown only.        There are more products

                 products                the most                                obtained from the farm,
                                                                                 namely rice, vetiver grass

                                                                                 seedlings, Acacia

                                                                                 ampliceps seedlings.

                 6. Expenses of           Much                    -              Costs of chemical
                 agricultural factors    reduced                                 fertilizers can be reduced

                 of production                                                   for 88.24 USD (costs of

                                                                                 chemical fertilizers applied
                                                                                 in the paddy field for 2

                                                                                 sacks) because there is

                                                                                 crop rotation, reducing
                                                                                 costs of production much.

                 7. Incomes            Increased at  Incomes came from selling  Farmers have more
                                         the most     rice. The average price of  incomes from rice

                                                      rice was 0.15-0.18USD /    production, propagation of

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