Page 140 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 140


                 Expenses of watermelon and        Kilograms       2        117.65      235.29       100.0
                 corn planting plots
                 Total expenses of establishing                                        1,811.76
                 the technology

               Calculation of costs and expenses

               Expenses are calculated to technology-based areas (Unit of size and area: 2.4 ha)
               (1 hectare = 1 ha = 6.25 rai )

               The currency used to calculate expenses has the unit as Baht

               Exchange rate (to US. dollars) 1 US. Dollars = 34.0 Baht
               Average wage in hiring labor per day is 8.52 USD

               Most important factors having effects on expenses

                       1. Costs of agricultural materials, increasing prices of chemical fertilizers
                           - In the past (2017), each sack cost 29.41 USD.

                           - Currently, each sack costs 47.06 USD

                        As a result, the cost of expenses has increased 294.12 USD annually.
                       2. Labor costs account for 211.77 USD.

                       3. Rice seed costs account for 58.82 USD .

                     2.Maintenance costs

                                                                                                     % of
                                                                          Expenses                 expenses
                             Inputs                  Unit      Quantity  per unit     per inputs   incurred
                                                                            (USD)                   by land
                 Weed removal/fertilizer               ha         13        183.81     2389.69       100.0
                 application/rice harvesting/ rice
                 Equipment, fertilizers and
                 substances killing/ inhibiting
                 growth of living things (Biocide)
                 Price of 16-16-8  chemical          Sack         3.0       44.12       132.35       100.0

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