Page 137 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               areas have been stored.   When the soil in the paddy field was examined again, it was found that

               soil salinity reduced. In the past, the water in this areas had the salinity of 4.0 ppt considered to be
               at a high level of salinity. After using the technology, the salinity of the water in the pond is at the

               level of 1.5 ppt considered to be a medium level of salinity.   This condition has enabled various
               plants to be grown more. As a result, products of rice and other plant have increased so many that

               they can be harvested and sold to be incomes throughout the year. This farmer is considered to be
               the primary prototype farmer who is able to solve saline soil problems in Thung Kula Ronghai.

                       2.     Regarding  rice  cultivation,  soil  amendment  is  enhanced  with  organic  matter
               continuously in the area of 2.88 ha. Rice variety of Kao Dok Mali 105 is grown in the area of 2.08

               ha for distribution. Sticky rice variety Gor. Kor. 6 is grown in the area of 0.8 ha for consumption.

               The procedure starts with plowing up and over rice stubble after doing rice farming.   Dolomite is
               used at the rated of 625 kg/ha. Plowing and incorporating it for 7 days are conducted. Cultivation

               is conducted by sowing dry rice in the rainwater field in May.   Chemical fertilizers are applied for
               the first time according to the advice from the soil analysis value after the rice germinates for 7-

               10 days. The formula 16-16-8 at the rate of 156.25 per ha. Top-dressing urea fertilizers are applied

               at the rate of 31.25-62.5 kg/ha during rice pregnancy for the second time. The amount of nitrogen
               (N)   accounts for 39.38-53.75 kg/ha.   The amount of phosphorus (P2O5)   accounts for 31.25kg/ha.

               The amount of nitrogen (K2O)   accounts for 12.63 kg/ha.   For protection, fermented bio-extracts
               are used to prevent the plant from pests and get rid of them.   The water is left to be dry within 7

               days before harvesting at the end of November. As a result, the rice builds and secret the aromatic

               substance called 2AP.   Rice products account for 2500 kg/ha.   The average selling price is 0.59
               USD/kg, making farmers have the income of 3,529.41USD annually.

                       3.   For planting crops after doing rice farming, the area is divided into planting corn and
               watermelon accounting for 0.32 ha. The products obtained are used as food in households and for

               distribution. There is circulation of reusing agricultural scrap remainders. For example, leaves of
               vetiver grass are cut to cover soil in order to keep moisture and prevent salt accumulation at the

               soil surface.   Plots of vetiver grass propagation are made for 0.48 ha.   Regarding planting vetiver
               grass, its shoots separating from the clump are cut to remain for 20 centimeters and the root is also

               cut to become short.   After that, the cut root is soaked in water with the level of 5 centimeters for

               5-7 days.   The root will branch out again. Then, it is grown in the field with spacing of 50x50
               centimeters. After planting it, watering must be done regularly. When it reaches the age of 1 month,

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