Page 147 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 147


                         Aspect             Impact           Before                     After

                 2. Damages done to         Greatly     Pest-repelling      Using pest-repelling

                 neighbors ' cultivation    reduced     substances were     substances has been reduced.

                 areas                                  used in             Organic substances are
                                                        inappropriate       focused on in order to reduce

                                                        amount.             using chemicals.

                 3. Impact of greenhouse   Reduced      The area of paddy   They turn to plant rotation

                 gas                                    field was burned    crops after doing rice farming
                                                        to prepare          in order to help reduce carbon

                                                        cultivation plots.    dioxide gas originating from

                                                                            burning rice stubbles and
                                                                            reduce greenhouse gas


                                      5. Acceptance of the technology and application

                       Farmers accept the principles by participating in the project of developing and preventing

               distribution of areas with saline soil based on integration.   They apply the technology in their own
               areas. They adjust the farming system and change the cropping system by planting rice as the main

               plant,  vetiver  grass,  corn,  water  melon  as  plant  after  doing  rice  farming  and  planting  Acacia
               ampliceps as plants for use on the earthen dyke. There is saline soil management according to the

               principle.   There are a lot of farmers who participate in the project due to the fact that changes at
               the beginning do not require high investment and they receive benefits from the project.

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