Page 64 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                     2. Social and cultural impact

                       Aspect            Impact                Before                     After

                 1. Food security      The greatest    The price of 1,200        Produce 1,500 kg of

                 and self-reliance     improvement     kilograms of rice is 0.15  Manila Tamarind at 2.35
                                                       USD per kilogram.         USD per kilogram and

                                                                                 15,000 tilapia fish for
                                                                                 domestic consumption.

                 2. Community           Maximum                   -              Promoting community

                 institution           strengthening                             unity and sharing your
                                                                                 thoughts in order to

                                                                                 tackle the problem of
                                                                                 saline agricultural land


                 3. Knowledge          A significant   There is still a scarcity   As a result of the
                 about SLM (Land       improvement     of information.           increased adoption of

                 Degradation                                                     technology, knowledge
                 Management)                                                     began to circulate more


                 4. The social and        Greatly      They are still unsure     They received
                 economic position       enhance       how to transition from    knowledge transfer from

                 of disadvantaged                      monoculture to            the learning center that
                 groups                                integrated farming.       they may apply in their

                                                                                 local area, as well as

                                                                                 seeking counsel and
                                                                                 guidance from model


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