Page 66 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                                                       5. Conclusion

               5.1 The adoption of the Technology

                       Approximately 1–10% of farmers have accepted and applied the technology without any

               material or financial incentives because the initial adjustments require a relatively high investment.
               There are local farmers who participated in the project and applied the technology in their own

               areas. By changing the area and type of crop grown from rice to a salt-tolerant crop, tamarind, in
               conjunction with fish and livestock farming, but adjustments must be carried out gradually and

               systematically planned.

               5.2 Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities in the land user’s view

                       1. Deteriorating soil conditions are more fertile.

                       2. improved earnings and productivity

                       3. Capable of pursuing a profession in agriculture in places with saline soil.

               5.3 Strengths: The opinion of compilers

                       1. Farmers on saline terrain can adapt to sustainable farming. On the farm, diverse
               materials are rotated in order to lower input costs.

                       2.  If certain farm goods are harmed, such as Manila Tamarinds that have been exposed to
               rain, they cannot be sold as food but can be used as cow feed. However, it has little impact on

               overall earnings. Because other farm goods, such as selling manure Manila Tamarind plants and

               tilapia, provide revenue.

               5.4 Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks in the land user’s view

                       Use the initial investment to acclimate the area and digging wells is quite high effect some
               farmers don't have the courage or don't have enough capital to start making changes.

               5.5 Weakness: The opinion of compilers

                       The Manila Tamarind has a limited shelf life. If harvested during the rainy season, fungal
               is easy to grow. Farmers must be cautious as harvest season approaches. And keeping an eye on

               weather forecasts to determine when to harvest with the least amount of rain.

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