Page 60 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 60


                     2. Maintenance costs

                                                                                          All       (%) of
                                                                           Expenses   Expenses     expenses
                               Input                   Unit    Quantity  per unit     per input  incurred
                                                                                        (USD)       by land

                Manila Tamarind Pruning  and          branch     50,000      0.15      7,352.94      100.0

                Equipment Fertilizers and
                disinfectants/inhibits the growth of
                organisms (biocides)
                Chemical fertilizer formula 15-15-15   sack       3.0        20.59      61.77        100.0

                equipment, plant materials, etc.

                Fuel (mowing and pumping) 1 time       time        52        1.77       91.77        100.0
                per week, 2 liters each time, cost 60
                baht (1 year = 52 weeks)
                Material for grafting for propagation   set      50,000      0.15      7,352.94      100.0

                Tilapia                               Tilapia    15,000      0.03       441.18       100.0

                Tilapia food cost                      sack        50        10.29      514.71       100.0

                Total expenses of maintaining the                                     15,815.29
                technological condition

               3.2 Revenue from sales of produce and net income

                       Before using technology, most of the income came from rice cultivation, but the yield is

               very low due to saline soil and water shortages. In an area of 0.16 ha, rice yields 80 kilograms (2.4

               ha yields 1,200 kilograms), sold at 0.15-0.18 USD/kg, including income from rice cultivation,
               about 176.47 USD/year.

                       After using technology, they now have a more diverse agricultural production revenue,
               such as Manila Tamarind, which produces 1,500 kg, thanks to the use of technology. Sell it for

               3,529.41 USD, or 2.35 USD per kilogram. The Manila Tamarind tree is utilized to sell the most

               seedlings, 1,470 USD, for a total of 51,470.59 USD, at 1.03 USD per tree. Depending on the breed,
               the female calf is sold for 735.29 USD, and the female is sold for 1,470.59-2,941.18 USD. 15,000

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