Page 63 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 63


                       Aspect             Impact               Before                     After

                 7. Income             The greatest    He makes money by         This technology brings in
                                         increase      selling rice; the typical   more money for farmers.

                                                       price of rice is 0.15-0.18  Manila trees, manure,

                                                       USD per kilogram, and     calves, and tilapia for
                                                       he can produce 1,200 kg  sale.

                                                       of rice in a 2.4 ha area,   1. Revenue from the sale
                                                       earning 176.47 USD.       of 1,500 kg of Manila

                                                                                 Tamarind pods every
                                                                                 production cycle The

                                                                                 price per kilogram

                                                                                  is 2.35 USD, or 3,529.41
                                                                                 USD total.

                                                                                 2. Income from the sale
                                                                                 of Manila Tamarind trees

                                                                                 for 1.03 USD each,
                                                                                 which used to sell up to

                                                                                 50,000 trees per year,

                                                                                 resulting in an annual
                                                                                 income of up to


                                                                                 3. Increased revenue
                                                                                 from the sale of calves

                                                                                 Male calves cost 735.29
                                                                                 USD each, while female

                                                                                 calves cost 1,470.59 to
                                                                                 2,941.18 USD each.

                                                                                 4. Annual profit from

                                                                                 tilapia sales is 8,823.53

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