Page 69 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               Figure 6-7 Raising two broiler cows capable of artificial insemination and yielding calves which

               if a calf is a male, It can also be sold at 735.29 USD per cow, and if a female calf can be sold at
               up  to  1,470.59-2,941.18  USD/head,  it  can  also  produce  manure  from  cow  dung,

               up to 23.53 USD per year, saving costs and reducing the cost of buying fertilizer to put in their
               own plots as well.

               Figure 7-8 A ditch or ditch dug between the tamarind plots for raising transgender tilapia, releasing

               15,000 birds per year, and because  it is  a saline area. The water in  the raceway has a  higher
               concentration of salt than usual, but tilapia has characteristics that can grow well in salty, brackish

               water. Raised tilapia is relatively easy to raise and less disease-causing because pathogens and

               parasites are less able to grow in salty water. Get good quality fish meat, a firm texture, and a
               sweet and delicious taste. No smell of mud on the fish. Therefore, it is the demand of the market

               and consumers.

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