Page 65 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                     3. Ecology impact

                        Aspect              Impact              Before                     After

                 1. Soil protection         Greatly     There will be no more  Grass or weeds start to

                                           enhance      grass or weeds.         emerge.
                 2. Salinity               The most     A salinity of more      The salinity was decreased

                                           lowered      than ten parts per      to 3.7-4.0 ppt till other crops

                                                        thousand (ppt) is       could be grown.

               4.2 Off-site impact from using the technology

                         Aspect              Impact             Before                     After

                 1. The availability of   A significant            -           They can deliver usable water

                 water                       increase                          from saline land sources.
                                                                               Because the Manila Tamarind

                                                                               is a salt tolerant plant, and
                                                                               tilapia can thrive in brackish,

                                                                               salty water.

                 2. Fields of neighbors   A significant  Pesticides are        Pesticides should be used less
                 have been harmed as a      reduction     applied in massive   often. To limit the use of

                 result of the destruction.               quantities and       insecticides, concentrate on
                                                          inappropriate way.   employing bug traps.

                 3. Greenhouse gas's        Reduction     Preparing the plot   It is possible to reduce carbon

                 impact                                   by burning rice      dioxide emissions from
                                                          fields               burning by switching to

                                                                               tamarind cultivation.
                                                                               Contribute to the reduction of

                                                                               greenhouse gas emissions.

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