Page 61 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               tilapia for a total of 8,823.53 USD at a profit of 0.59 USD each. Other farm products, including as

               manure and lime, brought in a total of 66,029.41 USD.

               3.3 Spending and net income

                       Total earnings: 66,029.41 USD.

                       The total cost of setup and maintenance is 22,952.06 USD.

                       A total net income of 43,071.47 USD was generated.

                                                      4. Environment

                       The area is semi-arid, with an average rainfall of 1,001 to 1,500 millimeters. The annual

               rainfall  averaged  1,070.5  milliliters  in  2021.  (Data  from  the  Meteorological  Station:

               Meteorological Department). The terrain is gentle. The elevation of the plateau ranges from 101
               to 500 meters. The depth of the soil is greater than 20 cm. Fine-grained clay is the texture of the

               topsoil. Loam and silty clay texture is in  the subsoil. Organic matter levels are moderate (1-3
               percent). It is impossible to utilize groundwater. The water quality is unpurified, yet the surface

               water is moderate. Because of the salinity of the water, it can only be used for agriculture. As a

               result, it is a significant issue in agriculture. Only a few types of crops can be produced as a result,
               and yields are poor.

               4.1 Impact in the on-site from using the technology

                     1. Economic and social impact

                       Aspect             Impact               Before                     After

                 1. Crop production    The greatest    Because the soil is very   Yield of Manila tamarind
                                         increase      saline, 0.16 ha of crop   is 1,500 kg per

                                                       yields 80 kg (2.4 ha =    production cycle, or
                                                       1,200 kg), resulting in   15,000 tilapia.

                                                       less rice production; not

                                                       worth the investment.
                 2. Cultivation        The greatest    Less  rice  yield  whole  When changing plant

                 excellence              increase      grain rice.               types to suit the soil

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