Page 59 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 59


                   pump                              machine        2       147.06      294.12       100.0

                   manure                              sack       350         1.18      411.77       100.0

                   Chemical fertilizer formula 15-     sack         3        20.59       61.77       100.0

                   Plant materials and
                   construction materials
                   Manila Tamarind Tree                Tree       350         0.74      257.35       100.0

                   land rent                            rai        15       147.06     2,205.88      100.0
                   house of animals                   house         2       176.47       35.29       100.0


                   The value of the transgender       tilapia    15,000       0.03      441.18       100.0
                   tilapia larvae
                   fish feed                         kilogram      50         8.24      411.77       100.0

                   Total expenses of establishing                                      7,142.65
                   the technology

               Calculation of costs and expenses

               The cost is calculated per area in which the technology is used. (Area and unit size: 2.4 ha.: 6.25

               rai = 1 ha).
               The currency used to calculate costs with the unit as Baht

               Exchange rate (to US dollars) 1 US. Dollars = 34.0 baht.
               The average wage for hiring workers per day is 8.82 USD.

               Most important factor having effects on expenses

               Feed prices for fish are increasing.
                        - In the past (year 2017), it was at the price of 8.24 USD per sack.

                        - Currently, the price is 10.09 USD per sack.

               As a result, the current cost of living has increased per year.

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