Page 38 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 38


                       Aspect            Impact              Before                    After

                 3. Expenses of        The impact      Very little          Training has been organized.
                 agricultural factors     can be                            There is more learning from

                 of production           ignored.                           conducting     study    tour

                                                                            resulting  in  circulation  of

                 4. Incomes from        Increased       Few incomes         Receive  average  profit  of

                 the forest park                                            10,000 Baht annually

                 5. A variety of          A little     One-way income  Having incomes from

                 income-producing        positive      of agri cul t ura l  organizing tourism activities
                 sources                               plants products      and OTOP product


                       2. Social and cultural impact

                      Aspect             Impact              Before                     After

                 1. Food security        Positive     One-way income of  Having incomes from
                 and being able to                    agricultural plants  organizing tourism activities

                 rely on oneself                      products               and OTOP product


                 2. Institutes of the    Positive     -                      Unity of people in the
                 community                                                   community has been

                                                                             brought about more

                                                                             whereby people mutually
                                                                             exchange knowledge and


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