Page 40 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 40


                       Aspect            Impact               Before                     After

                                                      area and is waterlogged    increase. Plants start to

                                                      for a long time, resulting   have more diversities.
                                                      in damaging agricultural

                                                      plants damaging.

                 2. Pollution occurs     Positive       Waste is released from   Brackish  water  forests

                 to rivers and canals.                      the system.          help  hold  soil  surface,
                                                                                 reduce sediments, filter

                                                                                 waste and absorb waste,

                                                                                 making water resources
                                                                                 become cleaner.

                                      6. Acceptance of the technology and application

                       Nom Klao Ked forest park is an urban community forest initiated by the group of people

               who focus on the environment. People get together and work together from every sector of both
               government sectors and private sectors. People in the community cooperate with one another and

               support the project of green-area conservation. They do this by mutually driving the community

               to  enter  ecological  learing  resources.  Moreover,  people  in  the  community  cooperate  in
               conservation and development by dredging canals so that they will become clearer and cleaner.

               They also help the water system circulate and treat natural water quality better. As a result, there
               are no more Aedes mosquitoes. They plant trees together according to the community way for

               more than 100 varieties. In addition to this, there are many kinds of birds living there for over 30

               species. Therefore, this makes the community accept the technology and implement it to keep
               balance of the ecosystem and the environment to be suitable for living. By-products can be utilized

               and used to add values. Therefore, this place here is considered to be learning resources beyond
               the textbook where people can come to get in touch with natural way of life.

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