Page 37 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 37


                                                      5. Environment

                       The mentioned area has the annual mean rainfall in a period of 30 years accounting for
               1,543.20 millimeters. The topographic area is flood plain with gentry slope (< 1 %). The elevation

               is 50-60 centimeters higher than the mean sea level. The soil is Samutprakarn soil series (Sm), soil
               series group 3. The parent material of soil is derived from marine sediments mixing with alluvial

               sediments. The soil depth is medium level. The top soil is clay texture. The subsoil is greenish

               gray clay. Soil reaction is moderately acidic to moderately alkaline (pH 6.6-8.0). The limitation
               factor of land-use is saline soil and be flooded by sea water. Farmers are normally used for fish

               farming, shrimps or left deserted. Ground water cannot be utilized. Water for farming is enough.
               Regarding the water quality (not treated yet), the water can be used for agriculture only.

               5.1 Impact in the on-site from using the technology

                       1. Economic and social impact

                       Aspect            Impact              Before                    After

                 1. Biodiversity           Very         The area was used    Planting   trees   in   the

                                         positive      for planting fruit.   ecosystem of brackish-water
                                                       Small quantities of   forests  and  aquatic  animal

                                                       yields were          culture have brought about a

                                                       obtained, which      variety of plant varieties and
                                                       did not cover the    animal species.


                 2. Area for             Positive      Very little           When  the  community  is

                 production                                                 transferred  with  knowledge
                                                                            and  public-benefit  activities

                                                                            are  organized,  expansion  of
                                                                            reforestation  areas  increases


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