Page 33 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                       2. Later, Her Royal highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn came to continue the project

               and  had  a  royal  idea  regarding  guidelines  of  utilizing  the  original  area  in  the  community  to
               conserve plant varieties and way of life of villagers in the area of Suan Pa Ked Nom Klao (Ked

               Nom Klao Forest Park) to focus on simplicity like in the past. The objective is also to control
               construction to be in line with and not to destroy the environment so that this will be a prototype

               of development for people in the nearby district. In fact, people of Song Kanong sub-district have
               held on to this as guidelines for practice continuously to the present time.

                       3.   Khung  Bang  Krachao  areas  consist  of  wetlands  with  the  area  accounting  for  about

               11,818 rai characterized by an island surrounded by the Chaophraya river before the river flows
               into the Gulf of Thailand. Therefore, the area is influenced by rising sea water at the end of the

               year. Saline water floods the area until it becomes brackish water. Therefore, there is a structure
               of the ecosystem of brackish water plants. This can be noticed from Nypa palm which is ubiquitous

               along the line of the riverbank. Nypa palm growing as large Nypa palm forest groups is found at

               some parts of the island. It holds the eroded soil at the riverbank well. The plant society in the
               ecosystem of brackish water forests is the society of salt-tolerant plants. Besides the family of

               mangroves, there are also local plant varieties found mainly in brackish-water forests, namely:
                       (1) perennial plants such as Sonneratia caseolaris, Aegiceras corniculatum, Xylocarpus

               granatum Koenig, Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn., Intsia bijuga, Bruguiera sexangula,

               Pometia Pinnata Forst, Dolichandrone spathacea, Thespesia  populnea, Hibiscus  tiliaceus. L.,
               Cerbera odollam, Nypa palm, Nypa fruticans

                       (2) shrubs such as Glochidion Littorale Blume
                       (3)  undergrowth  such  as  Acanthus  ebracteatus  Vahl,  Acrostichum  aureum  L.,  Derris

               trifoliate Lour., Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch.

                       (4) Climbers  such as  Stenochlaena palusris,  Melanthera biflora  (L.) Wild,  Flagellaria
               indica  L.

                       and (5) living things found in the water are algae and plant plankton. Therefore, there are
               high biodiversity and characteristics consisting of environmental factors as follows:

                           1) Rising and falling of sea water in the ecosystem of brackish water forests occur in
               the area where the sea water does not flood so often by being influenced from waves and currents.

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