Page 34 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 34


                           2) The ecosystem of brackish water forests is next to the seashore towards the inland.

               This is different from the ecosystem of mangrove forests which is connected with the seashore of
               the mouth of the river or the gulf.

                           3) Brackish water forests consist of hard clay while soil in mangrove forests is newly
               germinating clay with softness and depth.

                       4. Regarding restoration of the ecosystem in the area of brackish water forests, there is
               tree planting for 3 levels according to advice of The Royal Forest Department as follows:

                           1) Main plants refer to local plants in the area, namely plants in mangrove forests

               which are tolerant to being brackish and salinity of natural water resources for more than 6 months
               per year. The plants grown are Cerbera odollam, Indian laurel, Bruguiera sexangul, Intsia bijuga,

               Thespesia populnea, cork tree and Copper pod.

                           2) Secondary plants refer to edible plants for fruit trees and plants with edible leaves.

               These plants are tolerant to brackish conditions and salinity such as tamarind, neem, Cassod tree,

               Great morinda, Luna nut, Ardisia polycephala

                           3) Medicinal plants thriving well under shade of big trees such as Piper Samentosum,

               Solanum incanum, Pandanus leaf, Cordyline fruticosa, Sea holly

                       5.  There  is  management  of  agroforestry  forest  park  (Urban  Forestry)  through  soil

               improvement, water management, fresh water reservation, saline water solutions in the dry season,

               weed removal, fertilizer application, tillage, planting for repairing and maintaining trees in the
               cultivation plot continuously. Raw materials in the area of urban forestry are processed to be

               products to build incomes whereby the community in the area is promoted to participate in caring
               for green areas because it is close to and uses trees in the cultivation plot directly. Therefore, this

               is consistent with the approach of the Royal Initiative of Her Royal highness Princess Maha Chakri

               Sirindhorn given for being used as main guidelines which will bring about sustainable green-area

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