Page 35 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 35


                                        4. Financing and external material support

               Incomes and expenses in using the technology

               1. Initial costs and expenses in using the technology

                                                                                                         % of
                                                                           Expenses  All expenses      expenses
                              Inputs                  Unit     Quantity  per unit       per inputs     incurred
                                                                            (USD)         (USD)         by land

                 Deepen the garden ditch in the        Bed         50        17.6          880            100
                 area of 2.56 ha
                 Water pump                         Machine        2          147          294            100

                 Compost                             Tonne         30        29.4          882            100
                 15-15-15 chemical fertilizer         Sack         20        29.4          588            100
                 Lime                                Tonne         10        88.2          882            100

                 500 liter plastic bucked            BucKed        5         58.8          294            100
                 Water salinity meter               Machine        2         29.4          58.8           100
                 8 inch PVC with the length of 3      Piece        3         29.4          88.2           100
                 Plant material
                 Plant varieties including planting
                 labor costs in the area of 2.56 ha    Tree      10,000      0.15          1,500          100
                 Service wage in building the
                 Materials used in building the      Square        20        29.4          588            100
                 nursery including labor costs       meters
                 Total expenses of establishing                                            6,055
                 the technology (US dollars)

               Calculation of costs and expenses
               Expenses are calculated to technology-based areas (Unit of size and area: 2.56 ha)

               The currency used to calculate expenses with the unit as USD

               Exchange rate (to US. dollars) 1 US. dollars = 34.0 Baht (year 2023)
               Average wage in hiring labor per day is 8.82 USD

   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40