Page 36 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 36


               Most important factors having effects on expenses

                           1. Labor cost
                           2. Agricultural materials costs

                           3. Construction materials costs

               2. Expenses for maintenance

                                                                                                            % of
                                                                               Expenses      expenses     expenses
                                 Inputs                    Unit  Quantity      per unit     per inputs    incurred
                                                                                (USD)                     by land
                 Management during planting and            Force      1          29.4          352.8        100
                 maintenance                                                  USD/month
                 Electricity costs                         USD        12         14.7          176.4        100

                 Total expenses of establishing the                                           529.20
                 technology (US dollars)

               3. Incomes from selling products and net incomes

                       Before using the technology No incomes

                       After using the technology Having net incomes from selling products related to the forest

               park and organizing tourism activities within the community, including OTOP goods about 2,941
               USD annually

               4. Summary of expenses and net incomes

                       Total income                                      8,823.5           USD
                       Total expenses in starting and maintenance        6,558.8           USD

                       Total net income                                  2,264.7           USD

   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41