Page 39 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 39


                      Aspect             Impact              Before                     After

                 3. SLM or               Positive     The  knowledge  has  Bringing about the
                 knowledge of land                    not been propagated  acceptance of the

                 degradation                          yet.                   technology, having

                 management                                                  knowledge propagation and
                                                                             expansion of forestation

                                                                             areas more

                       3. Ecological impact

                       Aspect            Impact              Before                    After

                 1. Water quality        Positive       Having problems     Problems of saline water and
                                                         of saline water,   waste water reduce.

                                                          waste water

                 2. Soil salinity        Positive         Salinity level    Salinity level of 2-20 ppt

                                                        more than 30 ppt    which is suitable for
                                                                            forestation in brackish water

                 3. Biodiversity         Positive            None           There has been planting of
                                                                            local trees, salinity-tolerance

                                                                            trees and animal husbandry

               5.2. Off-site impact from using the technology

                       Aspect            Impact               Before                     After

                 1.The resilience/       Positive     Due to being the area of   The area of brackish
                 ability of  filtration               brackish water, the soil   water forests has

                 (by soil, plants,                    is very strongly saline.   improved. Tress of the
                 wetlands)                            Sea water can reach the    mangrove family

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