Page 28 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                       3. Ecological impact

                       Aspect            Impact              Before                    After

                 1. Water quality     Very positive     Having problems     The problem of waste water
                                                         of waste water     has been reduced greatly.

                 2. Salinity level in   Very positive     Salinity level    The salinity level of 28-32
                 the Soil salinity                     more than 700 ppt  ppt is suitable for sea grape

                 3. Variety of           Positive            None           Introducing aquatic animals
                 animals                                                    into the culture, namely
                                                                            Lutjanus, shrimps and horse

               3.2 Off-site impact from using the technology

                         Aspect              Impact            Before                    After

                 1.The resilience/ability   Positive    Due to being the        The  area  of  mangrove
                 of filtration (by soil,                area of salt farming,   forests has been adjusted
                 plants, wetlands)                      the soil is very       better.  Swamp  forests
                                                        saline. There are no   appear  more.  A  variety
                                                        plants growing at all.  of plants starts to appear.

                 2. Pollution occurs at the   Positive     Waste is released    Seaweed  culture  helps
                 seaside.                                 from the system.     get rid of waste, making
                                                                               sea    water     become

                                      4. Acceptance of the technology and application

                       There is acceptance among farmers. They implement the technology through sea grapes
               culture.  This  is  done  by  circulating  water  and  treating  natural  water  to  keep  balance  of  the

               ecosystem to be suitable for living of aquatic animals. This condition lasts throughout sea grapes

               cultivation  without  draining  the  water  going  through  cultivation  and  organic  matters  into  the
               environment or this culture is so-called Zero Waste Farm. Apart from obtaining products which

               are sea grapes, by-products resulting from releasing shrimps and horse crabs can be utilized and

               increase values.

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