Page 159 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                                1. General Information and description of best practice/technology


                       The government promotes planting Dixie grass to control areas with severely saline soil as

               well as restoring the ecosystem and preventing salt distribution under the cooperation of the land

               owner, farmers, soil doctors, local authorities and experts in fields.

                       Regarding  extending  planting  Dixie  grass  in  the  areas  of  salt-affected  soils,  Land

               Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has a project in restoring
               areas with severely saline soil by planting salt tolerant perennials and halophytic grasses in the

               northeastern part of Thailand. The project started in 1996 and has been operated. The project

               supports planting the halophytic grass (Dixie grass) on deserted areas with severely saline soil.
               The main objective is to disseminate to farmers to use the land for maximum benefits and to

               prevent saline soil distribution by planting Dixie grass to cover the ground, and to restore the
               ecosystem  of  salt-affected  soil.  The  first  activity  is  to  do  public  hearing  from  people  in  the

               community, to specify the area severely affected from salt and to prepare demonstration plots on
               farmers'  areas  as  a  learning  center.  Then,  cooperating  with  administrative  organizations  was

               conducted.  Before  preparing  the  demonstration  plot,  officers  hold  a  meeting  with  farmers  for

               brainstorming regarding weakness, strength, opportunities and obstacles of planting Dixie grass
               on areas with severely saline soil.  The demonstration plot consists of activities for 4 steps as

               follows: Step 1- Preparing Dixie grass seedlings, selecting areas, preparing soil, public hearing
               and preparing demonstration plots at Dan Chang sub-district, Bua Yai district, Nakhon Ratchasima

               province in the area of severely saline soil; Step 2- Coordinating with researchers and farmers who
               are the owner of the area for planning together the operation and monitoring and assessing results

               on  the  operation;  Step  3-  When  farmers  are  selected,  the  officers  demonstrate  the  method  of

               planting and propagating Dixie grass as well as taking farmers for the study tour in the achieved
               area in Northeastern Thailand; and Step 4 - Regarding the extension, officers will take farmers

               participating in the project for 3 years to come to extend and propagate results of the work with

               achievement of Mr. Chalong Munkarn. Previously, the area was very salty that plants could not be

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