Page 157 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 157


                                                       5. Conclusion

               5.1 Strengths

                       Regarding opinions of the farmers using the technology, they view that Dixie grass is the

               plant which resists salt highly and after planting it, salinity is clearly reduced. The environment
               becomes better. As a result, other plants return to grow in the area. The area in not empty any

               more. Also, the owner of the area can grow and propagate Dixie grass for Land Development

                       The only grass halophyte is Dixie grass which can grow in areas with highly saline soil.

               After growing Dixie grass for 2-3 years, soil salinity has been reduced, resulting in the occurrence
               of biodiversity of animals and plants such as butterflies, birds, rats, worms and indigenous plants

               etc. It is better for farmers to use their own land for more extension than leaving the land become
               dry. Dixie grass can be used as fodder, increasing the land owner's incomes.

               5.2 Weaknesses/risks

                       Farmers' opinions: Lack of knowledge of planting halophytes to reduce distribution of

               highly saline soil and there are no other alternatives to find better incomes than planting Dixie
               grass. Farmers from nearby areas always burn rice straw after harvesting, making the Dixie grass

               partly. Suggestions are that officers should meet farmers and transfer knowledge about reducing

               highly saline soil distribution to farmers. Public relations are necessary to stop burning rice straw.

                       Every  researcher  and  officer  must  understand  and  be  trained  regarding  mechanism  of

               halophytes, importance of Dixie grass on the working plan of this project and monitoring results
               of the operation efficiently. Suggestions are that officers must be trained at levels such as receiving

               more  training  and  knowledge  about  the  project  and  placing  importance  on  weak  points  and

               obstacles of achievement of the project more.

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