Page 164 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                          4. Technical support, building capabilities and knowledge management

                       The approach of extending results of planting the halophytic grass (Dixie grass) to control
               areas with severely saline soil: 1) Transferring the knowledge of restoring severely saline soil

               based on planting Dixie grass; 2) Building awareness of reducing saline soil distribution in the
               community area of one's own; 3) Participants of the restoring project must take the study trip to

               see  the  achieved  sample  plot;  and  4)  Officers  give  advice,  monitor  and  assess  results  of  the


               4.1. Procedures of the operation are as follows:

                       4.1.1 Prepare the budget of restoring severely saline soil under the topic "Preventing and
               restoring the land affected by salt with available technology and increasing incomes to farmers"

               using the technology of halophytes cultivation (Dixie grass) for restoring severely saline soil based
               on the reference from the group of researching and developing saline soil management conducting

               the research on the topic “Halophytes plantation and flow path along the landscape in Northeast

               Thailand” together with Dr. J.L. Gallagher from Delaware, University.

                       4.1.2 Recruitment announcement for farmers who possess areas with severely saline soil

               and intend to participate in the project

                       4.1.3 Officers explain details, steps of the operation and consequences which farmers will


                       4.1.4 Officers transfer knowledge about Dixie grass cultivation for restoring areas with
               severely saline soil and visit the achieved place whereby farmers who are the owner of the plot

               and soil doctors pass on experiences, keys to success and open up a stage for exchanging opinions
               with one another. Experts of improving saline soil give advice and answer academic questions so

               that farmers will have more knowledge and understanding.

                       4.1.5 Officers must monitor and assess the project: Making a survey of the survival rate,
               monitoring  growth  of  plants  in  the  area  with  severely  saline  soil,  supporting  knowledge  and


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