Page 155 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 155


               3. Incomes and expenses of farmers can be compared from benefits from expenses: It was found

               that for short term returns, there are short term returns and long term returns in the positive trend
               greatly. Regarding benefits from expenses in maintenance, it was found that for short returns, there

               are short term returns and long term returns in the positive trend greatly.

                                                      4. Environment

                       Regarding changes of severity of the climate (disaster) such as disasters from drought,

               forest fire, fire on the land, flash flood and invasion of insects, worms, there are trends which are
               constant and decreasing. There is not much impact from consequences related to other climates

               such as extended period of cropping and reduced period of cropping.

               4.1 Natural environment of the area around the area with highly saline soil

                       1. Regarding climate data from 1983 to 2012, the annual average amount of rain water

               accounts for 1,028 millimeters. The agricultural climate is semi-dry. The average temperature is
               21-36 °C. Relative humidity is 75%. Source: Meteorological Station: Meteorological Department

                       2. The area is plain to plateau with the gradient of 0-2%. The altitude from the sea level is

               101-500 meters.

                       3. The soil depth is about 81-120 centimeters. The top soil texture is coarse sand. The soil

               texture is 20 centimeters lower than the soil surface. The soil is silt loam and there is low amount
               of organic matter in the soil.

                       4. Ground water can be dug at the level less than 5 meters but there is a problem of water

                       5. There are low diversities of plants and animals.

               4.2 Characteristics of land users applying the technology:  Farmers have the main occupation
               which is doing farming and the secondary occupation is doing business. The main income outside

               the farm accounts for about 10-50% of the entire income. Livelihood is at the medium level. Most
               farmers are male and middle aged. They own areas for about 1.6 – 2.4 ha with their own ownership.

               They use labor within the family to conduct farming and receive a right of using the irrigated water.

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