Page 161 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                                       2. Approach, aims, and enabling environment

               2.1 objective of the approach

                       The  main  goal  or  objective  of  the  approach  is  to  promote  land  users  to  bring  about

               agricultural maximum benefits in order to prevent saline soil distribution in areas with severely
               saline soil by growing Dixie grass as a cover crop and to restore the soil ecosystem severely

               affected from salt.

               2.2 Conditions favorable for implementing the technology under this approach are as follows:

                              1) Land owners have guidelines for practices following successful neighbors.

                              2)  Financial  and  service  sources  are  Bank  for  Agriculture  and  Agricultural

                              3) Local Administration Organizations are the supportive agency.

                              4) Coordination of volunteer soil doctors and community leaders in the area with

               farmers in the area

                              5) The government has a policy of preventing soil degradation.

                              6)  Supporting  the  knowledge  regarding  sustainable  management  of  areas  with

               saline soil for land users

                              7) Providing budget to support farmers to participate in the project continuously in

               areas with saline soil

               2.3 Decision-making in selecting the technology of managing land with saline soil sustainably

                       Experts of managing areas with saline soil sustainably are main decision makers by using

               data of the environment of areas with saline soil. Using the technology of soil management is
               suitable with solutions. There are guidelines for practices easy to understand which farmers can

               actually follow in the area. The decision is based on assessing farmers' knowledge about soil
               management and interest of participation in the project etc.

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