Page 154 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 154


               3.5 Incomes and expenses in using the technology

               1. Initial costs and expenses in using the technology

                                                                                    Expenses        All
                                                                                    per unit     expenses
                                  Inputs                     Unit      Quantity
                                                                                     (USD)       per input
                 Labor for planting Dixie grass:               ha          1          35.2          220
                 1 person/day for 300 USD per day and
                 1 rai requires labor for 4 persons,
                 accounting for 1,200

                 Plant material
                 Dixie grass seedlings for 1,600 trees/ha,   Seedling   10,000        0.015         147
                 0.5 USD/tree
                 Fertilizers and substances killing/
                 inhibiting growth of living things

                 Compost price: 0.10 USD/kg., 0.2             kg         320.0        0.10           32

                 Paddy husk price: 0.12 USD/kg., 0.4          kg         640.0        0.12          76.8

                 15-15-15 chemical fertilizer price: 0.59     kg          10.0        0.59          5.9
                 USD/kg, 6.25 kg/hole

                 All expenses of setting up technological                                          481.7
                 (US dollars)

               Calculation of costs and expenses

               Expenses are calculated per the area of using the technology

               the currency calculated for expenses: Baht

               The exchange rate is 1 US dollar = 34.19 Baht
               Average wage in hiring daily labor is 300 Baht.

               The most important factor having an effect on expenses is the policy of the government on the
               minimum wage which is an important factor having an effect on the cost of the project.

               2. Activities for maintenance There is no maintenance for these activities because Dixie grass

               can grow and propagate by itself.

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