Page 153 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 153


               3.2 Technical drawing plan of the technology

                       Fig 1 Dixie grass propagation and plating Dixie grass on the area with highly saline soil

                       (a) Propagating Dixie grass can be done by cutting the grass tree for the length of 2-3 inches

               with 3 nodes. Bring the piece to be cultivated in a black bag with mixture of soil and compost used
               as growing media. When the grass seedling is 1 month old, it can be cultivated. Prepare soil by

               digging a hole with the size of 10x10x10 cm . Put compost for 200 grams per hole and the 15-15-
               15 chemical fertilizer for 6.25 grams per hole. After that, cover it with paddy husk for 400 grams
               per hole and the planting spacing is 30x30 centimeters; (b) The picture shows growing Dixie grass

               in  the  area  with  highly  saline  soil  between  levees  where  Acacia  Auricuriformis  is  planted  to
               prevent saline soil distribution.

                       Activities for setting up are 1) Planting Dixie grass seedlings (period of time/frequency:
               May-July 2015), 2) soil preparation for cultivation (period of time/frequency: May-July 2015) and

               3) using chemical fertilizers (period of time/frequency: May-July 2015).

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