Page 108 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 108


               4.3 Impact in the on-site from using the technology

                     1. Economic and social impact

                       Aspect            Impact              Before                     After


                 Crops production          Very        Being areas with     Going through soil amendment

                                         positive      degraded soil,       making the soil have better

                                                       filled soil with lack   properties
                                                       of fertility

                 Quantity of crops         Very        Plants could not     Plant thrive and give yields
                                         positive      grow.                continuously.

                 Product diversities       Very        Plants cannot be     Integrated cultivation, namely

                                         positive      planted.             chili peppers, parsley and
                                                                            vetiver for soil amendment

                 Incomes and

                 Expenses of           Moderately      There was no         Expenses for cultivation labor and
                 factors of             increased      cultivation.         soil amendment materials easily

                 agricultural                                               found in the area such as fermented

                 production                                                 nio-extracts, dolomite, leaf debris

                 Farm incomes             Highly       There was no         The quantity of products can be
                                        increased      cultivation.         sold and exported.

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