Page 103 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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               producing  organic  fertilizers  and  bio-fertilizers,  vetiver  of  Songkhla  3  variety  and  dolomite.

               Moreover, the guideline obtained from learning, observance, trial and errors has been implemented
               and developed in the 0.04 ha planting vegetables. Previously, the mentioned area was characterized

               by soil with soil fertility deficiencies and giving low yields due to the problem of soil degradation.
               The soil texture was sandy clay loam consisting of saline soil a little bit. Moisture in the soil was

               very low in the dry season. Moreover, the area was outside the irrigation zone. Therefore, an idea
               came up with developing occupations for farmers in the community located at Moo 5, Ban Kok

               Phrom, Non Thai sub-district, Non Thai district to implement knowledge regarding integrated

               utilization of areas with saline soil in the organic agriculture system whereby agencies from Land
               Development  Department  provide  knowledge  in  analyzing  soil  and  improving  soil  prior  to

               cultivation  area  preparation.  The  wisdom  of  farmers  themselves  is  used  together  with  the

               technology  of  Land  Development  Department,  namely  dolomite  application  for  pH  value
               adjustment and killing germs affecting growth of chili peppers together with applying manure to

               increase organic matter to the soil. Fermented bio-extracts have microbes which help stimulate the
               root system. Regarding moisture storage in the plot where chilies are planted, the drip irrigation

               technology system has been installed. The soil is covered with straw and vetiver is used to restore
               soil conditions. The objective is to do this as a prototype in building incomes for the community


                       After soil amendment, the soil has a better structure and has become friable and suitable

               for planting chili peppers by selecting the Amphawa Gold according to the demand of the market.

               Moreover, regarding intercropping, parsley is also inserted to be planted between plots, resulting
               in  using  water  efficiently  and  worthily.  Average  yields  of  chili  spur  peppers  account  for  400

               kilograms per 400 square meters throughout the age at 180 days. The harvesting price is 2.47 USD
               per kg and yields of parsley account for 108 kilograms per 400 m  (byproducts from watering chili
               pepper trees) based on harvesting yields for 1 generation per round of chili pepper production.

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