Page 109 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 109


                     2. Other social and cultural impacts

                      Aspect             Impact              Before                      After

                 Health situations       Positive               -            Conducting natural farming by

                                                                             av o i di n g f e r t i l i z er   a n d

                                                                             chemical application

                 Institutes of the     Moderately     Studied how to         Building interaction of farmers

                 community               positive     solve problems by      groups  in  the  area  based  on
                                                      themselves             consulting and mutual problem


                 SLM or knowledge        Positive     There was no           Farmers in the area accept the
                 of land                              knowledge              technology and gather together

                 degradation                          propagation.           to  learn  methods  of  soil
                 management                                                  management  so  that  they  can

                                                                             grow  plants  and  implement
                                                                             them in their own areas.

                     3. Ecological impact

                       Aspect              Impact             Before                      After


                 Soil indumentum        Moderately      Being earthfill      There is soil amendment by
                                         increased      areas                using plant debris, rice straw

                                                                             and growing plants.

                 Nutrient circulation      Highly                -           Nutrients increase from

                 and supplementation     increased                           integrated cropping such as

                                                                             chili peppers, parsley, vetiver

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