Page 107 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                                                      4. Environment

               4.1 Characteristics of the natural environment

                       The mentioned area has the average amount of rainwater between 1,001 - 1,500 milliliters.
               It is situated in the zone of semi-arid climate. The area is flat. The altitude level is 200 meters from

               the sea level. The soil is sandy clay loam. The level of organic matter is low. The ground water

               cannot be used. The water at the soil surface is at a good level. Regarding water quality, the water
               can be used for agriculture only.

               4.2 Characteristics of land users implementing the technology

                       Land users settle down and implement the technology as individuals/ households. They

               have incomes from outside the farm accounting for 30-50% of all incomes. Regarding the wealth
               level, they have enough to get by. The land where the technology is implemented accounts for

               0.32-0.81 ha. Land ownership is individual. They receive rights of land tenure.

               Service access and infrastructures

                Aspect                                                           Access

                Health                                                            Good

                Education                                                        Medium

                Technical aid                                                     Good

                Employment  (such  as  outside  the  agricultural                 Good


                Market                                                            Good

                Energy                                                           Medium

                Road and transportation                                           Good

                Drinking water and sanitation                                     Good

                Financial services                                               Medium

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