Page 110 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 110


                 Soil stabilization        Highly       Soil was compact     Plowing and improving soil
                                         decreased      and aggregated as    with organic matter and plant

                                                        hard clod of earth   roots help reduce soil

                 Organic matter in      Moderately               -           Organic matter from soil

                 the soil/ lower than    increased                           amendment such as manure
                 in the soil of C                                            and cropping systems


                 Biodiversity of

                 plants and animals

                 Biodiversity of          Positive               -           Plant varieties which are

                 plants                                                      cultivated in the area grow

                                                                             more such as chili peppers,
                                                                             parsley, vetiver etc.

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