Page 106 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 106


                 Plant materials

                 Chili pepper tree                    Tree       1200       0.029        34.8
                 Parsley seeds                        gram       600         0.01         6.0
                 Rice straw                         kilogram     180         0.10        18.0
                 Fertilizers and substances
                 killing/ inhibiting growth of
                 living things (Biocide)
                 Fermented bio-extracts               Liter      120         0.29        34.8
                 Dolomite                           kilogram     13.6        0.73        9.93

                 Dung                                 bag         35         2.5         87.5
                 Drip line                           meter        4.6        1.76        8.06

                 PVC tubes                           meter        10         0.59         5.9
                 1,000 liter bucket                  bucket        1        67.65       67.65
                 Total expenses of establishing                                         447.02
                 the technology (US dollars)

               Calculation of costs and expenses

               Expenses are calculated per areas using technology (Unit of size and area: 0.04 ha)

               The currency used to calculate expenses with the unit as USD
               Exchange rate (to US. dollars) 1 US. dollars = 34.0 Baht

               Average wage in hiring labor per day is 8.82 USD

               Most important factors having effects on expenses

                       1. Labor costs

               3.3 Incomes from selling products and net incomes

                       In an area of 0.04 ha, chili pepper yields can be collected for 65 kilograms per round on
               average. The yields have already been collected for 6 rounds. The selling price is 2.47 USD per

               kilogram, obtaining a total of 963.52 USD.

                       Parsley yields have already been collected for 1 round accounting for 108 kilograms. The
               selling price is 4.41 USD per kilogram, obtaining a total of 963.52 USD, obtaining a total of 16,200


                       Total incomes = 963.52+476.47 = 1,439.99 USD
                       Net income = 1,440-447.97 = 992.03 USD

   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111