Page 10 - การจัดการอินทรียวัตถุในดินเพื่อการผลิตข้าวโพดหวานในระบบเกษตรอินทรีย์ จังหวัดสตูล Soil Organic Matter Management for Sweet Corn Production in Organic Agriculture System, Sutun Province.
P. 10



                  ผลผลิตสูงที่สุดเท่ากับ  1,004.45 กิโลกรัมต่อไร่ 20,089.00 บาทต่อไร่ แต่ตำรับการทดลองที่ 8 การใส่ปุ๋ยอินทรีย์
                  คุณภาพสูง  อัตรา 100 กก.ต่อไร่ ร่วมกับน้ำหมักชีวภาพ เป็นตำรับการทดลองที่ให้ผลตอบแทนทางเศรษฐกิจสูงที่สุด
                  มีมูลค่าผลผลิตและผลตอบแทนเท่ากับ 17,671.80 และ 13,871.80 บาทต่อไร่


                         The  study  of  soil  organic  matter  management  for  sweet  corn  production  in  organic
                  agriculture system, Satun province aimed 1.)   to study the effect of compost for sweet corn in
                  organic agriculture systems. 2.) to study the changed of some soil chemical properties before and
                  after experiment and 3.) to study their economic return in each treatments.  The experiment was
                  conducted in the farmer area at Moo 6 Baan Nam–ra, Thung Nui sub-district, Kuan Ka Long district,
                  Satun province between October 2018 to September 2020.  The experiment was Randomized
                  Complete Block Design with consisted 9 treatments 3 replications.  There were T1: applying LDD 1

                  compost at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai plowing with corn cob in the plot. T2: applying LDD 1 compost
                  at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai combined with LDD 2 bio-extract at the rate of 1 litre/500 litres of water.
                  T3: applying LDD 1 compost at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai combined with green manure (sun hemp)
                  and LDD 2 bio-extract at the rate of 1 litre/500 litres of water. T4: applying LDD 12 bio-fertilizer at
                  the rate of 300 kg/rai plowing with corn cob in plot. T5: applying LDD 12 bio-fertilizer at the rate of
                  300 kg/rai combined with LDD 2 bio-extract at the rate of 1 litre/500 litres of water. T6: applying
                  LDD 12 bio-fertilizer at the rate of 300 kg/rai combined with green manure (sun hemp) and LDD 2
                  bio-extract at the rate of 1 litre/500 litres of water. T7: applying high content compost at the rate
                  of 100 kg/rai plowing with corn cob in plot. T8: applying high content compost at the rate of 100

                  kg/rai combined with LDD 2 bio-extract at the rate of 1 litre/500 litres of water and T9: applying
                  high content compost at the rate of 100 kg/rai combined with green manure (sun hemp) in the
                  plot combined with plowing LDD 2 bio-extract at the rate of 1 litre/500 litres of water.  Applying
                  each type of fertilizer for 2 times when the age of sweet corn of 20 and 40 days.
                         The result showed that applying LDD 1 compost, LDD 12 bio-fertilizer and high content
                  compost had some effects on the changed of some soil chemical properties after experiment.
                  There were tended to increase soil pH in the first year of experiment which in the range of 4.67-
                  5.60 (strongly acid).    After second year experiment, there were tended to decrease soil pH but

                  stilled available in the range of strongly acid which in the range of 5.23-5.57.  T1, T4 and T7 which
                  plowing corn cob in the plot tended to increase soil organic matter (O.M.), exchangeable Ca and
                  exchangeable Mg in all of treatments.  In the case of growth, the first year experiment found that
                  T4) applying LDD 12 bio-fertilizer at the rate of 300 kg/rai plowing with corn cob in the plot highly
                  significantly gave highest height of 201.42 centimeter while in the second year, T1 applying LDD 1
                  compost at the rate of 2,000 kg/rai plowing with corn cob in the plot highly significantly gave the
                  highest height of 130.27 centimeter.  T1, T4 and T7, the treatments which plowing corn cob in the
                  plot tended to give the highest length of pod.  Applying LDD 1 compost, LDD 12 bio-fertilizer and
                  high content compost had no effect on diameter of pod.  Using of LDD 1 compost and LDD 12 bio-

                  fertilizer tended to give more sweetness than other treatments.  Moreover, T1 applying LDD 1
                  compost at the rate for 2,000 kg/rai plowing with corn cob highly significantly gave highest yield
                  and    production  values,  1,004.45  kg/rai  and  20,089  baht/rai,  respectively.    Nevertheless,  T8)
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