Page 79 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 79


                 Mulch                  Moderately                -              Humus, straw, stubble
                                         increased                               cover soil surface.

                 Circulation and          Greatly                 -              Nutrients increase due to
                 replenishment of        increased                               planting different crops
                 nutrients                                                       such as sunn hemp and
                                                                                 plowing up and over rice

                 Salinity               Moderately     Moisture in the soil      Salinity measured from the
                                         decreased     was low. The soil was     soil surface decreased.
                                                       characterized by          Organic matter and the
                                                       having flaky salt         number of microbes
                                                       appearing on the soil     accumulating in the soil
                                                       surface.                  increased.

                 Organic matter in      Moderately                -              Organic matter from
                 the soil/ lower than    increased                               plowing up and over to
                 in the soil of C                                                cover rice stubble, green
                 horizon                                                         manure plants

                 Biodiversity of
                 plants and animals

                 Biodiversity of          Positive                -              Plant varieties which can
                 plants                                                          be planted and grow in the

                                                                                 area more such as rice,
                                                                                 sunn hemp

               4.2 Off-site impact from using the technology

                       Aspect             Impact               Before                      After

                 Water which can be     Moderately     Small-scale water         Expansion of digging
                 utilized                 positive     resources                 ponds resulting in more

                                                                                 areas of water storage

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