Page 74 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 74


                      4. When the seeds are kept to be used in the following season, the seed coat of sunn hemp

               is  used  as  material  incorporated  with  soil  to  make  compost  for  soil  amendment  in  growing

               3.2 Revenues and expenses in using the technology

                       1. Initial costs and expenses in using the technology

                                                                                                          % of
                                                                           Expenses  All expenses       expenses
                              Inputs                  Unit     Quantity  per unit       per inputs      incurred
                                                                            (USD)         (USD)         by land

                 Plow to prepare plots                Time         1         14.71         14.71
                 Sow rice                             Time         1         17.65         17.65

                 Pump water                           Time         2         58.82        117.65
                 Harvest yield                        Time         1        183.82        183.82
                 Plant materials
                 Rice seeds                         Kilogram       8         0.53          4.24

                 Fertilizers and substances
                 killing/ inhibiting growth of
                 living things (Biocide)

                 Weight                               Liter        40        0.29          11.77
                 Green manure                       Kilogram       5         0.68          3.38

                 Oil costs for farm truck             Time         1         58.82         58.82
                 Total expenses of establishing                                           415.74
                 the technology

               Calculation of costs and expenses

               Expenses are calculated per areas using technology (Unit of size and area: 1.12 ha)
               The currency used to calculate expenses with the unit as Baht

               Exchange rate (to US. dollars) 1 US. Dollars = 34.0 Baht
               Average wage in hiring labor per day is 8.82 USD

   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79