Page 77 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 77


                       Aspect             Impact               Before                      After

                 Quantity of crop       Moderately     The rice plant stands     The plants receive nutrients

                 products                 positive     and dies. Yields per      and the soil quality
                                                       hectare are low.          improves resulting in better

                                                                                 product quality.

                 Land management           Very        Factors and soil          Good soil properties make

                                          positive     amendment materials       soil management for

                                                       are used continuously     cultivation become easier.
                                                       every year.

                 Usefulness and
                 water qualities

                 Water availability        Very        Rain water is used for    Water resources in the
                 for irrigation           positive     conducting agricultural   paddy field


                 Water qualities for    Moderately     Affected by salt water    Water qualities are
                 irrigation               positive                               improved by using

                                                                                 fermented bio-extracts.

                 Incomes and


                 Expenses of factors    Moderately     A large quantity of       Materials easily found in
                 of agricultural          reduced      factors and soil          the area such as fermented

                 production                            amendment materials       extracts, green manure are
                                                       were used                 used.

                 Farm incomes             Greatly      Low productivity          Received more quantities
                                         increased                               of rice products

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