Page 84 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 84


                 Stakeholders or               Identify               Explain roles of stakeholders or

                 organizations involving       stakeholders           organizations
                 with this approach

                 Researchers                   1. Farmers from Land  1.Monitor and assess saline soil

                                               Development            management with organic matter
                                               Department             together with water management in

                                               2. Students from       the area growing rice
                                               Suranaree University   2. Study and conduct research on

                                               of Technology          prediction of soil salinity in the
                                                                      area for utilization from managing

                                                                      areas with saline soil in each

                                                                      period of the cultivation season
                 Local government              Non Thai Agriculture   1. Participate and coordinate in

                                               Marketing              establishing the group

                                               Organization           2.
                                               Non Thai Informal      Preparing the learning process of

                                               Education              conducting agricultural farming
                                                                      through the method of natural


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