Page 83 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
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                      3. To scale up farmer groups using green manure plants in areas with saline soils in order

               to utilize areas with saline soils correctly and suitably according to academic principles and plan
               rice cultivation to keep up with climatic changes

                      4. To build networks regarding the use of green manure plants in areas with saline soils in
               Non Thai district and areas nearby

               Procedures of operation

                       1. Land Development Department has extended the technology by organizing the project

               of training the course of soil amendment with green manure plants to increase organic matter and
               to transfer knowledge, techniques and to demonstrate use of green manure plants in areas with

               saline soil
                       2. To support factors of production and gather farmer groups to establish an association for

               exchanging knowledge and demonstrating use of green manure plants in areas with saline soil

                       3. Take group members for a study tour to see the way to increase rice products in areas
               with saline soil

                                     3. Participation and roles of stakeholders involved

               3.1 The stakeholders involving in this approach and the roles

                 Stakeholders or               Identify               Explain roles of stakeholders or

                 organizations involving       stakeholders           organizations
                 with this approach

                 Local land users or local     Group members          Taking actions together to make
                 community                     accounting for 50      the group and the network become

                                               people                 strong in utilizing land correctly

                                                                      and suitably
                 SLM experts or agriculture    Farmers and officers   Give advice, knowledge and

                 consultants                   of Land Development  support factors of production in
                                               Department             managing areas with saline soil


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