Page 76 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 76


               Service access and infrastructures

                Aspect                                                             Access

                Health                                                              Good

                Education                                                         Medium

                Technical aid                                                     Medium

                Employment  (such  as  outside  the  agricultural                 Medium


                Market                                                              Good

                Energy                                                            Medium

                Road and transportation                                             Good

                Drinking water and sanitation                                       Good

                Financial services                                                Medium

               4.3 Impact in the on-site from using the technology

                     1. Economic and social impact

                       Aspect             Impact               Before                      After


                 Crops production       Moderately     Being areas with saline   Soil properties become
                                          positive     soils with salt stain on   better, the quantity of

                                                       the soil surface, yields   products increases
                                                       per hectare

   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81