Page 23 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 23


                                       2. Approach, aims, and enabling environment

               Main purpose of best practice / technology

                       1. To have eco-friendly sea grapes culture systems

                       2. To prevent and remove waste water likely to occur in the sea water and water resources
                       3. To utilize coastal lands (coastal saline soil) sustainably

               Technical specifications, implementation activities

                       1. Area selection: Growing sea grapes in the pond system requires management in terms

               of growing factors to be suitable for growth of sea grapes. Regarding location of the farm, it has

               to be far away from the community zone and industrial factories to avoid problems of discarded
               water from communities and pollution sources. In this aspect, it is risky for consumption. Sea

               grape is a green seaweed that can tolerant a narrow range of salinity.

                       Therefore, farm location must be near the coast or the water must have salinity at the level

               of sea water such as coastal plains or areas at the mouth of the river connected to the sea. The

               reason for this is the fact that water salinity can be controlled at the suitable level and it should be
               far away from flooding of fresh water in the rainy season. The characteristic of soil should be clay

               or sandy clay so that it can store water. Water used to grow sea grapes should have salinity of 27-
               33 parts per thousand. The sea water along the shoreline is mostly used. Moreover, there should

               be convenient communication.

                       2. Pond preparation refers to conditioning the pond floor such as the pH value,
               cleanliness of the pond bottom and within the pond so that sea grapes can be cultivated resulting

               in highest yields per pond area.

                       3. Management during cultivation

                           3.1 During cultivation, there should be water drainage about 30% by pumping water
               into the pond at least 1 time per week so that the sea grapes will receive nutrients, growth stimulus.

               This helps circulate the water. The sea grapes can absorb nutrients better. Moreover, installation

               of water inlets and outlets with close and open water gate according to natural water levels can be
               done or the principle of tidal condition observation can be used together with the lunar calendar

               (local wisdom: waxing moon and waning moon).

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