Page 26 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 26


                       4. The place should be far away from industrial factories or sources of agricultural farming

               using chemicals or being pollution sources. In fact, sea grapes can tolerate chemicals or pollution
               only very little. Sea grapes can be accumulated with some chemicals. This can affect consumers.

               Therefore, the farm location should be far away from the mentioned place.

                       5. The place should be the source where good sea grape species can be found easily.

                       6. The size of the pond should not exceed 2 rai whereby the dimension is as follows: dig
               1.70 meter deep; distance of slope is 1.80 meters; Ridge of the pond accounting for 2.50 meters


                       7. Dry the pone in the sun for at least 15 days. Spread lime for adjusting the pond bottom
               with the rate of 15 kg./rai.

                       8.  Pump  sea  water  to  flood  the  soil  surface  at  the  pond  bottom  for  the  height  of  50

               centimeters in order to balance the pH soil reaction for 2 days. Then, discard the water.

                       9. Pump sea water into the pond for about a half of the pond, making it convenient for

               transplanting  sea  grapes  on  the  soil  surface  at  the  pond  bottom  for  the  spacing  of  50x50
               centimeters. When transplantation is finished, fill up the pond with water.

                       Note If the pond is old, it should be dried, spread with lime for adjusting soil pH in the
               pond bottom. Drying the pond so that the pond bottom is exposed to sunlight and oxygen helps

               organic matters piling up in the pond decompose better. This helps improve the growth rate of sea


                                                      3. Environment

                       The mentioned area, the Annual Mean Rainfall is 987.40 mm., which is at the semi-dry

               level. The area is flat and 1 meter from the mean seal level. The soil depth is more than 120
               centimeters. The soil texture on the top is fine clay. The soil texture at the bottom is clay. The level

               of organic matters is high (>3%). The ground water cannot be used. The water at the soil surface
               is at the level which is more than enough. Regarding the water quality (not treated yet), the water

               can be used for agriculture only. The soil is coastal saline soil.

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