Page 19 - Final Report Improving information and developing a repository of sustainable soil management practices in Asia
P. 19


               3. Sustainability of approach activities

                       Land users can make things practiced based on this approach sustainable whereby there are
               government agencies from Phetchaburi Coastal Aquaculture Research and development Center as


               4. Strengths

                       Utilization in the area with saline soil with the context changed from conducting only salt
               farming previously has caused more problems of saline soil. It is hard to fix the problem. This

               requires very high investment.  Using this approach has brought about adjustment of land use
               which is suitable with the plant (seaweed) and saltiness is not much used. Moreover, this also

               brings about more increasing good ecosystems. There is no sewage discharged from the system.
               Therefore, the environment has gradually become better up to the present time. Market (inputs

               procurement, selling products) and prices due to being close to the main communication route

               5. Weaknesses/risks

                       When there is more production, there is always problems of competition for market shares,
               falling prices  and labors.  In some periods, there is  shortage of labors. There  are problems  of

               expensive  oil  prices.  Therefore,  establishing  a  group  is  the  approach  to  solve  the  mentioned
               problem in order to have bargaining powers to purchase items and equipment with lower prices.

               Moreover, goods standards can be upgraded.

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